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Run your own race

Louise Barkle

We've all seen the Instagram trend about 'Instagram isn't real' and heard the noise of 'don't compare your life (or business) to the highlights of someone else's.' But the constant stream of updates and oversharing (yep, I said it, and I'm sometimes guilty of it) creates this pressure to keep up, leading to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm about what to share, what not to share, and how to win at the social media/business game.


But as business owners, we already have to manage all the roles in our lives: entrepreneur, CEO, marketer, parent, caregiver, partner, friend, and the rest... all before we even start comparing and consuming social media.


I'm not going to say stop comparing yourself to others because I'm a realist and know that's impossible, but it's important to learn how to tune out the noise and focus on what's important to you. You know, running your race at your own pace so you can maintain a healthy juggle of all the things.


Take Action


  1. Focus on YOUR journey: It's unique, and what works for someone else may not work for you. Sure, go ahead and try things, but keep your eye on your priorities and goals (remember that last email I sent) and adjust as often as you need to.

  2. Set a realistic workload: We can't do everything ourselves, and although we try, if we're growing our businesses, we often fail without some support. Work out what you can do yourself, what needs to be automated, and what you should outsource to have that healthy juggle and ditch that mum-guilt.

  3. Self-care isn't selfish. Do one thing each day to care for yourself. Maybe it's moving your body, reading a book, or taking a little longer to shower to give yourself some space. Whatever it is, give yourself permission and tell yourself you're important, too.

  4. Limit social media consumption: It's a double-edged sword; social media can be inspiring and help build connections, but if you're feeling comparison-itis or constantly distracted, it's time to cut back on social media, even if it's just for a few days to help reset your relationship with those little apps.

  5. Celebrate: Take the time to celebrate every win, failure, and attempt at being the person you want to be in this life. The act of celebrating itself will give you the confidence to keep going, reinforce that what you're doing is great, and continue to motivate you through the hard times.


I'm always here to support and help you in any way I can, so if this resonates with you, let's chat about it.


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